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Vähittäis- ja verkkokauppa Italiassa, osa II (FFF)

16.6.2021 @ 15:15 - 16:30

We continue our webinars on Italy and how to do business there.

16.6.2021 klo 15.15 – 16.30

We have a top-tier speaker from Carrefour Italy: Gilles Ballot – Merchandise, Marketing and ECommerce Director will tell us how Carrefour evaluates and works with its suppliers.

Carrefour is one of the TOP players on the Italian retail market. In Italy it has a turnover of € 4,66 billion euros, and it operates throughout the country with over 1 450 points of sale and has 16 000 employees.

Carrefour’s “Act for food” programme focuses on the control of supply chains also through blockchain technology, greater accessibility to organic products for all, defence of small local producers, efficient and innovative services and enhancement of food and wine excellence throughout the Italian territory. Carrefour Italia has also developed a range of branded products with over 3 000 references

More info and register


15:15 - 16:30