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The Food Business Summit 2022

23.3.2022 @ 09:00 - 24.3.2022 @ 19:00

The Food Business Summit 2022 will be organised in the city of Seinäjoki, South Ostrobothnia as a two-day event on the 23rd and 24th of March.

The first day of the summit is directed for the international partners and presents the current activities of Food Business Development in the region of South Ostrobothnia, Finland.
The second day of the summit is directed for Food SMEs concentrating on future food trends as well as promotion of SMEs’ food products.

Both days also offer good networking possibilities for both national and international Food SMEs and Food Business Developers.
The summit is organised in collaboration between few key organisations in the food sector, including also some of the ongoing development projects in the region. The partnering organisations are Into Seinäjoki Business Development, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and Regional Council of South Ostrobohtnia.

We warmly welcome you to join us in March!

The present programme is a draft and an updated one with further information about e.g. the registrations will be provided later.


23.3.2022 @ 09:00
24.3.2022 @ 19:00