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Boosting Export with Packaging – Webinar 4: TARGET Market Oriented CONCEPT

24.9.2020 @ 09:00 - 11:30

Boosting Export with Packaging – Pakkauksella vauhtia vientiin on Food from Finlandin järjestämä koulutusohjelma yrityksille, jotka haluavat lisätä ymmärrystään tuotepakkausten merkityksestä vienninedistämisessä. Koulutusmoduulit järjestetään englanniksi.

Lisätietoja ohjelmasta ja ilmoittautuminen

The programme is for companies who wish to expand their understanding on packaging and its role in food export. The coaching is in English and it is free of charge.

The program is carried out as a series of webinars which consist of a keynote speech and workshops.

  • Keynote speech: 9.00-10.00, open for everyone
  • Workshops: 10.00-11.30, limited number of company spaces. Available spaces are filled in order of enrolling. Companies participating in workshops will be given a pre-assignment which will be discussed in guided small groups. The results are made available to the company for later use.

Webinar program 24.9.2020

9.00-10.00 Keynote speech for all
Coaches: Fumi Sasada, Bravis and Heli Holttinen & Dani Kamras, Cambri

  • Fumi Sasada: Design preferences in Asian market: overview and analysis of Finnish examples.
  • Heli Holttinen, Dani Kamras: How to create powerful value propositions and pack designs using agile consumer testing.

Duration: 1 hour

For companies enrolled for workshops Workshops in groups: Value proposition design / individual work and cocreation based on design template.

Guided workshops with individual feedback. Duration: 1 hour

Presenting group work results Duration: 30 minutes

10.00-11.30 Workshops for companies enrolled (limited spaces available) 

  • What kind of story does my product communicate?
  • Guided workshops with individual feedback. Duration: 1 hour
  • Presenting group work results Duration: 30 minutes


09:00 - 11:30