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KareliaBite: Näkyväksi netissä – Verkkonäkyvyyden valmennus kansainvälistyville yrityksille, Joensuu
to 23. toukokuun @ 12:00 - 16:00
GoGlobal – KareliaBite 3:
Online Visibility – Coaching on Online Visibility for internationalizing companies
Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: Science Park, Coaching Class (Building 3B, 4th floor)
Register for the coaching session by filling out the registration form below by Monday, May 20th.
Contents of KareliaBite 3 Coaching Package:
- ABC of Visibility – How does a company rise to the top of search results?
- Relevance to the searched query
- Do I do it myself or buy it ready-made?
- The role of language
- Keywords, regional presence, page translations
- The company’s tone on social media
- Regional domain or language translation?
- Basic tools for improving visibility, examples
- Keyword analysis, Google Ads / Keyword ideas (who examines the keywords?)
- Improving websites on Seobility.net
- Content, translations, competitor analysis: ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini
- Get your company profile in order on search engines.
You are warmly welcomed!