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Functional Foods Forum’s 20th Anniversary

28.4.2022 @ 13:00 - 19:00

Functional Foods Forum (FFF) was founded in 2002 to strengthen Finland’s competitiveness and Finnish knowledge in the topical international trend – health-promoting foods. From the very beginning, it has also been our goal to create active dialogue and collaboration with businesses.

On Thursday April 28, 2022 we are celebrating our 20th anniversary with an international hybrid seminar and cocktail reception, where quests will have the opportunity to experience multisensory environment in Aistikattila.

Time: Thu 28.4.2022 at 13-17, coctail reseption at 17-19

Location: Alhopuro-hall, Medisiina D, 20520 Turku and on Zoom


  • Opening words – prof. Anu Hopia, Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku
  • Greetings from the University of Turku – Rector Jukka Kola, University of Turku

13:15 Functional and Health-Promoting Foods

  • Functional Foods with Health Claims – prof. Marina Heinonen, Department of Food and Nutrition, University of Helsinki

13:45 Health-Promoting Probiotic Foods

  • Probiotic Research Today and Tomorrow – prof. Seppo Salminen, Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku
  • Fermented Foods Today and in the Future – prof. Gabriel Vinderola, National University of Litoral, CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina

15:00 Sensory Studies and Individual Food Experience

  • The shaping of food preferences by taste experience in infants and children – Sophie Nicklaus, Research Director at INRAE / Centre For Taste and Feeding Behaviour, Dijon, France
  • Individual Differences in Sensory Perception: FoodTaste Finland – prof. Mari Sandell, Department of Food and Nutrition, University of Helsinki / Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku

15:40 Planetary Well-Being and Challenges in the Food Chain

  • Biodiversity loss threatening the future of humankind – prof. Ilari Sääksjärvi, Biodiversity unit, University of Turku

16:10 Technology and Innovation in the Food Chain

  • Co-Designing Technologies for the Food-Chain: African Imaginations – prof. Erkki Sutinen, Department of Computing, University of Turku
  • Why Food Innovations? – Entrepreneur and Professor of Practice, Reetta Kivelä, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki

More information and registration



13:00 - 19:00