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Project ”Baltic Sea Food” Conference

25.3.2021 @ 10:30 - 14:00

I SESSION, Main achievements of the Baltic Sea Food project

Welcoming Words

Summary of Baltic Sea Food Project Achievements

Conclusions from Piloting of Local Food B2B Distribution Model in Baltic Sea Region

II SESSION, Practical experience in B2B local food distribution

Distribution Solution from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Region

Network and Online-market ”From Farm to Home” from Estonia

III SESSION, Vision to the future in local food and culinary tourism sectors

Expectations of Culinary Traveller/Foodie to the Food Offer in Rural Areas

Trends and Vision in the Culinary Tourism Sector

Tutustu ohjelmaan tarkemmin ja ilmoittaudu Anna.Verner(at)


10:30 - 14:00