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Photonics for Food Industry Webinar

26.11.2020 @ 13:00 - 15:00

Enabling agri-food industry transformation, November 26, 2020, 1pm – 3pm

Photonics Finland and Food Tech Platform Finland are organizing a webinar for finding new opportunities for developing the agri-food industry through the use of photonics. The event is free of charge

Digitalization of the agri-food industry is underway and driven by new tech, of which photonics is a key enabling technology. Photonics provide opportunities throughout the whole food value chain, such as more efficient greenhouse growing, quality monitoring, sanitizing, traceability and many more. The potential of photonics in food industry is constantly growing as new applications and challenges are found to be solved.

The webinar brings together food and photonics companies and experts to discuss new photonics solutions and new opportunities suitable for the use of photonics in the food industry. Join us, hear, and discuss the added value that this growing branch of technology can bring to the food industry.

The programme and register (click here for a more detailed programme)



13:00 - 15:00